 The Cadets have always understood that at some point in time, after they passed into adulthood, they might be called upon to serve the corps in a leadership role. It was further understood that when and if that moment came, they would take the torch from the hand of whomever preceded them, and do their best to honor the trust bestowed upon them. None have failed us.
These are the men who assumed the mantle of leadership, put their personal lives aside, and brought the corps through years of greatness and years of turmoil. To the Cadets who marched under them they will always be bigger than life. We owe them the existence of our corps. It is because of the great men listed here, and those yet to come, that Holy Name shall always be...
Thank you for all you have done. Thank you to the families that shared you with us. Thank you for the financial sacrifices you made on our behalf. You are honored, and respected, and loved. You held up a beacon of light for us to follow, and our lives have been enriched beyond measure because you were our role models and our inspiration. How fortunate we have been to have you at the helm; leading us, caring for us, educating us, giving us moments that few have ever known. We will not forget all that you gave during the time you held the Cadets' torch high for all to see
1934-35 Michael Koepf, Chairman
1936-39 Eugene Boyle, Chairman
Marinus Burgs, Chairman
1940-50 Joseph Huber, Chairman
1950-64 William Kemmerer, Sr., Corps Manager
1965-66 Edward Kwasnik
1966 (partial year) John Carloni
1967-69 James D´Amico
1970-72 Hugh Mahon
1973-76 Edward Frenzel
1977-79 Dr.Joseph Cinzio
1979-82 Dr.Richard Santo
1983 - 2019 George Hopkins
placing your cursor on the name and click to open bio/photo page.
